Reward Policy

We have a controlled remuneration policy internally. This policy is aimed at preventing 'undesirable incentives'. The employees of VLC & Partners receive most of their remuneration in the form of a fixed salary. View the remuneration policy here

Some positions involve variable remuneration. The amount of this remuneration is linked to a maximum percentage of the total salary. The variable remuneration is linked to both quantitative and qualitative objectives. The individual job description also contains qualitative objectives.

The remuneration policy for the Management Board and for the company as a whole is approved by the Supervisory Board. An annual review of the policy is conducted by the Compliance Officer. In addition, employees are assessed on their actions. This assessment determines the amount of the fixed salary and the amount of any variable remuneration, as far as possible within the applicable salary scales.

The remuneration policy complies with current laws and regulations and the principles as drawn up by DNB and AFM.

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