The benefits at a glance
A concrete expression of the risks to which your business is exposed
A knowledge of all of the facets of the logistics sector
A wide-ranging customer network within the logistics sector
Tailored advice on risks
The Netherlands is setting the tone in your sector
The Netherlands is leading the way in the logistics sector. There are numerous developments which are having an added innovative and optimising effect on Dutch and international logistics. Consider the Topsector Logistiek programme. Amongst other things, it devotes attention to the exchange of data through an open ICT platform, synchro and cross-chain control centres. Although these developments and matters such as innovation and sustainability are becoming increasingly more important for your logistics company, they bring new risks with them. You would like to retain your competitive position and consolidate it where possible. This demands the ongoing alignment of your business operations and risks, requiring you to consider the complex legislation and regulations governing logistics.
Our consultants are familiar with all aspects of your sector, from suppliers to consumers. They are able to express the risks to which your organisation is exposed in concrete terms quickly and carefully. How can they do this? Thanks to a large customer network within your sector, we are able to produce benchmarks and to provide you with tailored advice on risks. This enables you to do what you are good at: doing business.
Our services in the logistic sector
Our logistics specialists can highlight your risks based on an extensive analysis of them. They will then draw up an effective risk management plan which complies with current legislation and regulations. This will enable you to manage your expenses and to guarantee a more reliable supply chain for your customers. Not only does proper risk management protect you against risks, it can also consolidate your competitive position as a logistics partner and enable you to exploit opportunities more effectively.