Risk management and business continuity

Risk management and business continuity

Guidelines for dealing with an emergency

The benefits at a glance

An implementation and strategic plan can ensure that such guidelines are up-to-date

Guidelines for dealing with an emergency

The rapid resumption of your business operations after an emergency

Proper preparation for the risks which may endanger the continuity of your business

You do not want your business operations to be endangered following an emergency. Comprehensive risk management stands for a systematic, regular, risk assessment method with a concrete approach to exploring, avoiding and, where necessary, insuring risks in order to achieve business targets and to secure business continuity. Your consultant can help you identify your risks and draw up a business continuity plan.


Comprehensive risk management through co-creation

We are happy to identify your risk profile and appetite. By doing so, it is possible to determine a strategy for the short and medium terms. Together with you, we will set out a comprehensive risk management policy (or do so again), an important aspect of which will be a thorough identification and analysis of the risks. Co-creation is important for the purposes of optimising risk management within your business and securing business continuity. What ideas do your staff have to avoid or mitigate specific risks? The more people who are encouraged to present practical examples and tips, the better we are able to manage the relevant risks. We use the findings for the purposes of determining, devising and amending your present risk management policy (including your insurance policy). In addition, the findings can help you to determine the critical processes within your business operations in order to draw up a business continuity plan.

A business continuity plan sets out how you can prepare for and deal with an emergency. It is only if you have a business continuity plan which is appropriate for your current business operations, that you will be able to take the right action to safeguard your business continuity effectively in the case of an emergency.