Pension communication

Pension communication

Pension communication increases employee retirement awareness

The benefits at a glance

Clear explanations coupled with an employee’s personal situation

Staff obtain an insight in a comprehensible manner

Support for your communication

What is pension communication

Pension communication is an important part of the retirement planning process. It involves providing employees with clear, consistent and understandable information about their pension plan(s). This means translating complex pension terms into simple language, providing information about the options within the pension plan, and providing personalized data relevant to individual employees.

Effective retirement communication takes into account the different life stages and financial needs of employees, providing them with the tools and resources to make informed choices. This can include digital platforms, face-to-face meetings, workshops and printed materials.

Pension communication is a shared responsibility. For example, pension providers are required by law to provide documents such as a Start Letter, a Pension 1-2-3 and a Uniform Pension Statement (UPO). These should inform employees clearly and in a uniform way about their pension plan. An employer has a responsibility to inform employees about what their pension plan does and does not cover, whether it is sufficient for their future needs, and what employees themselves can do to improve their retirement prospects. Employers can outsource this task to a knowledgeable, professional party to ensure accurate and effective communication.

As part of the renewal of the Dutch pension system, a major operation with a lead time of several years in which all pension schemes will change, it is important that employers, employees and pension administrators make important choices in close consultation. To support this process, the website Working on our Pension has been launched. This website was created through the cooperation of VNO-NCW, MKB-Nederland, LTO-Nederland, FNV, CNV, VCP, Pensioenfederatie, Verbond van Verzekeraars, Stichting van de Arbeid, Adfiz and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. This cooperation promotes not only knowledge sharing in the field of pensions, but also mutual understanding and the provision of information to everyone's supporters.


The benefits of good pension communication

It is important to have measurable goals in your communication strategy, something that is easily achievable with the VLC Employee Portal. After each presentation or personal interview, participants receive a survey to provide feedback. In addition, the portal provides detailed insights into how often and how employees use the site.

Benefits for the employer:

  • Improved employee engagement: Clear retirement communication significantly increases employee engagement and involvement.
  • Enhanced employer image: By showing attention to employee welfare, it contributes to a more positive and attractive corporate image.
  • Efficiency in pension management: Clear communication reduces misunderstandings and questions, resulting in a more streamlined management process.

Benefits participants:

  • Better understanding of retirement benefits: Helps employees understand their retirement options and benefits.
  • Active engagement: Encourages employees to think proactively about their retirement planning.
  • Financial security: Contributes to better retirement preparation and long-term financial security.


Pension communication for all employees

Effective retirement communication is a dynamic process that is not limited to a single moment. It is important that communication takes place at set key moments in an employee's career. This starts as early as entry into employment, where a clear understanding of the retirement plan is established. Then there are key milestones and life events - such as marriage, legislative changes, or approaching retirement - where customized and targeted communications can make an impact. These moments provide unique opportunities to highlight the relevance and value of retirement plans.

We recommend that employers document the various communication moments in the Employee Benefits Manual. 


The working method of VLC & Partners

At VLC & Partners, innovation in pension communication is key. To this end, we deploy the VLC Employee Portal, an advanced online application that is continuously available 24/7 to both your HR department and all employees. This portal serves as the central hub for all communications regarding retirement and other insurable benefits.

The VLC Employee Portal is flexible and can be easily expanded to include information about additional insurance, such as your WIA employee insurance, Anw gap insurance and various top-up savings modules. This integration provides a complete overview and streamlined communication, ensuring that everyone involved always has access to the most current and relevant information.

Whether it's group presentations or personal one-on-one conversations, each form of communication is initiated and managed from the VLC Employee Portal. This ensures a seamless and consistent communication experience, even with future changes in pension providers or plans.

A key feature of our portal is its user-friendly approach. We avoid complicated pension terms and ensure that all information is presented in understandable language. This makes it accessible and easy to understand for everyone. The VLC Employee Portal is synonymous with reliability and accessibility, making it an indispensable tool in your organization's pension communication strategy.

Eric Vlietman

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Eric Vlietman staat voor u klaar.

My experience as a pension fund manager and negotiator with unions and employees makes me a versatile Pension Consultant who explains the complex pension matters in simple terms. I always have a keen eye for employees' perspectives.